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Discover how our Odoo ERP tailored solutions revolutionized the performance of a manufacturing company

Through a deep understanding of our client challenges and a customized approach, we delivered impactful strategies that propelled sales, heightened revenue, and delighted customers. This showcases the power of customized odoo solutions and the ability to unlock hidden potential within any manufacturing business. Join us as we unravel the basic details of a Odoo for manufacturing module, which might help your business. Also a short overview on Material Request Module and Inventory Module.

Manufacturing Module

After entering the manufacturing module, a dashboard with four basic and important job overview of the process is displayed such as,

odoo for manufacturing company

Step 1:

odoo for manufacturing company
odoo for manufacturing company

Step 2:

odoo for manufacturing company

Step 3:

odoo for manufacturing company

Step 4:

Material Request Module:

odoo for manufacturing company

Inventory Module:

odoo for manufacturing company

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